L5 Tactical firearms instructors are all subject matter experts with years of extensive, real-world experience. They've been selected for their love of teaching, experience, and enhanced education in adult learning concepts. Our experience allows us to offer you some of the best, most effective training programs in the world. We firmly believe in personal relationships, training to a standard - and are passionate about the success and satisfaction of our clients.


Duration : 4 hours | $150.00
The most important marksmanship class you'll ever take... This course is designed for ANYONE seeking to enhance their marksmanship abilities with a semi-automatic pistol. Whether you’re an experienced shooter trying to fine tune your skills, or a complete novice who wants to learn the right way to shoot - everyone will benefit, we absolutely guarantee it. During this course we will discuss in great depth the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship and participants will leave with a deep understanding of how the shooter and the pistol work together in order to produce accurate shot placement. Whether you're a recreational, competitive, or defensive shooter - this is the most important skill set you'll ever learn... this is where the foundation of your performance is built. Following classroom instruction, we will hit the range for some live fire and fine tune your skill set. Much like a golf pro analyzes a golf swing, our expert instructors will help you identify and correct any deficiencies to achieve that "bullseye" shot every time.
Students are required to bring with them:
1 Semi-Automatic Handgun, 1 magazine for their gun, hearing and eye protection, and 100 rounds of ammunition for their pistol, min
Duration : 4 hours | $150.00
NEXT CLASS - July 14 @ 5pm
CQD with a handgun is a comprehensive course that teaches the fundamentals of how to move tactically while armed throughout common structures such as your home or office, along with the basic fundamentals of CQB (close quarters battle). The skills taught in the course will increase your ability to effectively defend yourself or others against incidents such as, a home invasion, robbery, active shooter, etc…
No live ammo required, we supply everything.
Duration : 6 hours | $150.00
Specifically designed for anyone who carries a handgun concealed, or otherwise. This course brings together the fundamentals of precision pistol marksmanship with the fundamentals of combat shooting techniques - gunfighting! As a law abiding citizen, you are defensive in nature and must be able to act fast and shoot accurately to win the fight. We will show you how to maximize the economy of time with weapons handling techniques to take your combat shooting skills to the next level. It's not who shoots the fastest that wins the gunfight, its who lands accurate fire on target the fastest that wins!
Training Topics
Weapons Manipulation Skills
Drawing from the holster
Magazine Changes
Combat target/sight acquisition techniques
Multiple Targets
Shooting while moving tactically

Duration : 4-5 hours | $100.00
A Foundation for Long Range Shooting
A comprehensive classroom course for the novice or experienced shooter or hunter who has little to no formal training. Even if you have not purchased a rifle yet and are thinking about purchasing one, take this course! This is an in-depth course designed with an emphasis on understanding your rifle, optics, ammunition, and equipment. We will discuss these topics in varying levels of depth before we transition into “how you work, then how you and the rifle work together” to produce accurate shot groups. Even if you do not own a precision rifle, you will leave this course with an in-depth knowledge base to select the rifle and equipment that works best for you.
Topics include:
Semi-Auto vs. Bolt Action Rifles
Rifle Barrels Types and Theory
Optics & Mounts
MOA vs. MilRad
Reticle Styles
Stocks & Chassis
Fundamentals of Marksmanship
Basic Shooting Positions
Internal & Transition Ballistics
Selecting the right ammunition
Target Range Determination Methods
External Ballistic Effects & Adjustments
Other equipment
Duration : 1 Day | $250.00
The Foundation
A super fun and challenging course that is the perfect for hunters and precision target shooters. This course focuses on applying rifle shooting fundamentals to quickly and accurately engage targets from short to mid-range from various common practical shooting positions. Precision Rifle 2 focuses on the fundamentals of practically shooting your scoped rifle. Much like a golf pro watches your swing, our instructors will be right there with you to make sure you understand and properly apply the fundamentals of precision rifle shooting to produce accurate shot groups from the prone, kneeling, sitting, and standing and barricade positions. Bring a friend and take the course as a shooter/spotter team!
Students are required to bring with them:
A precision scoped rifle, zeroed
Hearing and eye protection appropriate for rifle shooting
60 rounds for your rifle
Clothing appropriate for weather and shooting
A packed lunch, snacks and special drinks (we have bottled water)
Recommended to bring:
Pack to carry your gear
A rear shooting bag, and/or any other shooting bags
Bipod mounted on your rifle
Sling for your rifle
Shooting mat
Small folding chair
Spotting scope (if you have one)
Writing utensils for note taking
Duration : 1 Day | $300.00
Advanced Long Range Ballistics, Range Card Workshop
This course dives into the science of the external ballistic factors for long range shooting. Each shooter will leave with a deep understanding of the internal factors of the rifle system, and the science of the external environmental effects on the bullet required to make accurate long range shot placement. The first day of this course will be classroom PowerPoint, with a second day live fire range day. During the live fire portion of this course, we will collect data from your rifle and bullet performance that will allow us to provide each shooter with a set of laminated L5 Tactical range cards containing your elevation and wind corrections for varying environmental weather conditions at long ranges. **For those who have a Kestrel Ballistic Calculator, we will be teaching a block specific to Kestrel users, so that you may utilize your own Kestrel on day 2**
NOTE: Please make sure your rifle and caliber are appropriate for long range shooting. If you have any questions regarding your rifle’s capabilities, feel free to contact us to make sure this course is right for you and your gun.
Students are required to bring with them:
Precision Scoped Rifle, zeroed at 100 yard/meter – we will still confirm zero, don’t worry.
40 rounds of quality ammunition for your rifle
Hearing & eye protection for shooting
Recommended if you have it, not required:
Kestrel 5700 or 5700x
Spotting scope
Shooting mat
Folding chair/stool to sit on during break
Notebook/pen for note taking
Bipod for your rifle
Rear shooting bag

A series of courses that typically run once every calendar year.

Duration : 6 hours | $150.00
The most important marksmanship class you'll ever take... This course is designed for ANYONE seeking to enhance their marksmanship abilities with a semi-automatic pistol. Whether you’re an experienced shooter trying to fine tune your skills, or a complete novice who wants to learn the right way to shoot - everyone will benefit, we absolutely guarantee it. During this course we will discuss in great depth the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship and participants will leave with a deep understanding of how the shooter and the pistol work together in order to produce accurate shot placement. Whether you're a recreational, competitive, or defensive shooter - this is the most important skill set you'll ever learn... this is where the foundation of your performance is built. Following classroom instruction, we will hit the range for some live fire and fine tune your skill set. Much like a golf pro analyzes a golf swing, our expert instructors will help you identify and correct any deficiencies to achieve that "bullseye" shot every time.
Students are required to bring with them:
1 Semi-Automatic Handgun, 1 magazine for their gun, hearing and eye protection, and 100 rounds of ammunition for their pistol, min
Duration : 4 hours | $75.00
This course will help you better understand critical Maryland State firearms laws, and also provide you with a solid knowledge base to safely own and operate a handgun. If you have never owned a handgun prior to 10/01/2013, and think you may want to purchase one in the future, then this class is required by the State of Maryland before you're able to purchase your handgun. You DO NOT need this training for a regulated firearm prior to 10/01/2013. You can satisfy the training requirement for the Maryland Handgun Qualification License here with us, and let us help you better understand the process and the law, so that you can complete the process without confusion.
Click here to learn how to Obtain Your Maryland Handgun Qualification License (HQL).
NOTE: For an additional $25, and an additional (approx.) two hours of classroom, you may complete the training requirement for the Utah Concealed Carry permit. The Utah Concealed Carry Weapons Permit allows the permit holder to carry their firearm concealed in any of the 31 listed reciprocating states. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT ALLOW PERMIT HOLDER TO CARRY IN MARYLAND, but it does allow in many surrounding states.
Duration : 2 Days (16 Hours) | $400.00
Satisfy the Maryland State training requirement for a concealed weapons permit application. Maryland requires 16 hours of training for an initial applicant by certified instructors. In two days, whether you are a complete novice or an experienced shooter, you will become more comfortable handling, manipulating, and shooting your handgun. Participants will learn legal aspects regarding the use of deadly force, and establish the vital skills to effectively employ the use of a handgun for self-defense. This course is taught by active and retired members of the law enforcement and military special operations community with real world experience. You will leave this course having not just satisfied the training requirement, but also with a solid foundation of skills needed to survive a deadly force encounter.
NOTE: If you do not have your HQL, completing this course will satisfy the requirement for the MD HQL & the Wear/Carry Permit in one shot.If you do not own a firearm, no problem, contact us about a loaner for your course.”
Duration : 4 Hours | $50.00
UTAH CONCEAL CARRY WEAPON PERMIT (Carry in over 30 states)
The Utah Concealed Carry Weapons Permit allows the permit holder to carry their firearm concealed in any of the 31 listed reciprocating states. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT ALLOW PERMIT HOLDER TO CARRY IN MARYLAND, but it does allow in many surrounding states. Our course includes all required paperwork.
Click here to see which states honor Utah's permit(s).
NOTE: If you have taken your Maryland HQL training class with L5 Tactical training group, we offer an abbreviated (two hour long) Utah CCW class at a cost of $25, as many of the required training topics overlap. Since you have taken the HQL with us, we know that you have received half of this training already. In the abbreviated course, we will recap and then teach the Utah CCW law portion along with the rest of the remaining training requirements for your Utah CCW permit.